RRG Country: New Zealand

Australia Belgium Canada Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Türkiye United Kingdom USA website@icomia.org

  • New Zealand – Construction Standards and Certification

    Compulsory application for charter and commercial craft in force. Voluntary application for recreational craft. National Compliance Code (CPC) for power boats 3.5 to 8.5 metres or longer subject to being able to legally be trailered on the road.

  • New Zealand – Safety Equipment

    Sufficient lifejackets must be carried on each boat for each person.

  • New Zealand – Health & Safety/Exposure Levels

    Styrene Levels – Local regulations in force (reported July 2013)

  • New Zealand – Drivers Licences

    No drivers licences required for private pleasure boats.

  • New Zealand – Environment

    Sewage disposal and holding tank regulations apply. Other environmental regulations apply.

  • New Zealand – Operating Limits

    Local and national regulations in force e.g. Speed limit of 5 knots within 200 metres of shore or 50 metres of another vessel, age of 15 years in order to drive a power boat capable of 10 knots+

  • New Zealand – Product Liability

    National regulations in force.

  • New Zealand – Registration

    Registration for charter or commercial boats only. Voluntary registration for pleasure boats.

  • New Zealand – Marinas and Harbours

    All new marinas and extensions to existing marinas require environmental assessment from local Government.

  • New Zealand – Taxation

    15% Goods and Service Tax (GST) on all boats sold in NZ. Visiting overseas boats are exempt from duty and tax for a 24 month visit. Goods and Services provided for fixing to visiting overseas boats are exempt from the 15 % GST.Superyachts can charter in NZ for up to 65% of the total time they are visiting NZ