RRG Categorie: Environment

Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates Design, Construction and Compliance Requirements of Boats and Components Environment Health & Safety/Exposure Levels Marinas and Harbours Operating Limits Product Liability Registration Regulations for charter boats Safety Equipment Taxation Zero Emission Zones

  • Portugal – Environment

    Propulsion power limit of 110 kW and 6 m height on dam reservoirs. This was reported to the EC Commission as a non notified technical regulation. Rule planning of certain reservoirs do not permit the navigation of cabin crafts and boats with 2-stroke engines. Environmentalists are supporting these restrictions.

  • Ireland – Environment

    Holding tanks for craft on inland waterways.

  • Switzerland – Environment

    Noise limit at full speed 72 dBA at a distance of 25m. Bodensee Regulations Stage 1 applies throughout Swiss waterways from 1 January 1995, but 2-stroke outboards

  • Hungary – Environment

    2003/44/EC EU Directive effective from 1st of August 2004

  • Cyprus – Environment

    Law 56(I)1992 (High Speed Craft Law/Regulations) PENDING: Noise, exhaust fumes above the engine manufacturers specifications or any other environmental pollution is prohibited.

  • Finland – Environment

    Noise limits for outboard engines in force. Septic tanks compulsory for new boats with sea toilet from 1 July 2000.

  • Norway – Environment

    Ban on pumping out holding tank waste within 300m from the shoreline in force. Several possible new regulations including recycle of used boats, spill from marinas and boat building.

  • Spain – Environment

    IMO Marpol emission limits in force. Now, special regulations for black waters on pleasure boats and marinas (tanks, pumps, etc.)

  • Greece – Environment

    All EU states and Norway apply Directive 2003/44/EC from 1 January 2005. Exhaust and sound emissions limits.

  • France – Environment

    Since 1st January 2008, all recreational crafts built after 1st January 2008 calling in marinas and organised moorings shall be fitted with holding tanks or on-board water treatment systems. No specific performance is required. Amending EU directive 2003/44/EC on noise and exhaust emission limits is in force since 1st January 2006. For boatbuilders and painters, EU Directive 99/13/EC is in force since May 2000. Two French VOC emission limit schemes are in place for large lamination facilities (over 1t per day) and for painting facilities (over 2t per year).