RRG Categorie: Safety Equipment

Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates Design, Construction and Compliance Requirements of Boats and Components Environment Health & Safety/Exposure Levels Marinas and Harbours Operating Limits Product Liability Registration Regulations for charter boats Safety Equipment Taxation Zero Emission Zones

  • Switzerland – Safety Equipment

    National regulations for some safety equipment in force.

  • Portugal – Safety Equipment

    Depending on navigational zones.

  • Ireland – Safety Equipment

    National regulations for equipment to be carried in force.

  • Cyprus – Safety Equipment

    National regulations including SOLAS in force for vessels above registered tonnage 15 tons. Regulations for High Speed Craft less than 15 tons pending.

  • Finland – Safety Equipment

    National regulations regarding the use of life jackets. All leisure boats must be so equipped for everybody on board (1 May 1997) together with other basic safety equipment.

  • Hungary – Safety Equipment

    National regulations for equipment to be carried in force. All boats must be equipped with safety equipments depending on their length.

  • Greece – Safety Equipment

    National regulations for equipment to be carried in force.

  • Denmark – Safety Equipment

    Lifejackets must be stored onboard all vessels in sufficient numbers for all persons onboard. Not compulsory to wear a life jacket. National regulations of safety equipment on charterboats are in force.

  • France – Safety Equipment

    A new national regulation is in preparation, probably in force in 2008. Three types of equipment would be defined for three types of navigation: basic / coastal / off shore. Until then, national regulations for safety equipment in force since 1st January 2005 (“Division 224”). Excepted for motorboats below 5m and sailing dinghies, the required equipment is different wether navigation is under or above 6 Nm from shelter. For more details, please consult FIN website : http://www.france-nautic.com

  • Spain – Safety Equipment

    Special zones depending on the security equipment on board.