RRG Country: Norway

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  • Norway – Health & Safety/Exposure Levels

    Styrene Exposure Levels – 25 ppm inside in force.

  • Norway – Operating Limits

    New alcohol consumption limit onboard (0,8 per thousand) in force. Several organizations are arguing for a reduction to either 0.5 or 0.2. Work on possible speed limit under consideration.

  • Norway – Environment

    Ban on pumping out holding tank waste within 300m from the shoreline in force. Several possible new regulations including recycle of used boats, spill from marinas and boat building.

  • Norway – Product Liability

    National regulations under consideration, to be harmonised with EU Directive.

  • Norway – Registration

    Compulsory registration in force from 1 January 1998: Pleasure craft 4.5 m or more (sail or engine power). (Pleasure craft 4.5 m or more without sail or engine are exempted). Compulsory registration lifted as of Jan. 1. 2004. National registrar of pleasureboats to be moved from Norwegian Customs and Excise to the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue (private not for profit organization) from Feb 1. 2005. Compulsory registration under consideration again (2005). Proposal for voluntarily registration in Norwegian Ship Registry for boats down to 7 meters LOA passed by June 1 2007.

  • Norway – Drivers Licences

    Lincences mandatory for all boats longer then 15 m (LOA). Licences for boats over 7 meters and/or with more than 25hp will be in effect from May 1. 2010 for all boaters born after Jan. 1 1980.