Skippers Certificates issued by Transport Administration:…Recreational Watercraft (PWC and recreational craft between 2,4 and 24 m) registered by Transport Administration: Watercraft (recreational craft and personal watercraft) must pass a pre-registration inspection test at the Road Administration or Maritime Administration before they can be registered. Pre-registration inspection tests of watercrafts that are new and being registered for the first time may also be carried out by an official importer or producer of the watercraft who has concluded a relevant contract with the Transport Administration.Ships (workboats and passenger ships, incl charter yachts over 12m; recreational boats over 24m) registered by Maritime Administration under Law of Ship Flag and Ship Registers Act:
RRG Country: Estonia
Australia Belgium Canada Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Türkiye United Kingdom USA
Estonia – Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates
Estonia – Construction Standards and Certification
Estonia, as an EU state applies Directive 2013/53/EU on recreational craft and personal watercraft
Estonia – Zero Emission Zones
Is the driving factor for these zones either limiting noise, emissions (local air pollution) or have they historically been in place for a number of years?On lakes under 100ha and rivers narrower than 10m fuel engines are allowed only for governmental survey, resque or surveillance purposes there any incentives in place to encourage zero emissions and what type of technology is most prevalent?No major incentives introduced by the state
Estonia – Health & Safety/Exposure Levels
Directive 2004/37/EU on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work applies, exposure limits
Estonia – Safety Equipment
Maritime Safety Act regulates the requirements for the safety equipment on board:
Estonia – Regulations for charter boats
Watercraft with an overall length of 2.5 to 24 metres that are used for organising recreational voyages for a fee or that are hired for recreational voyages, who does not carry over 12 passengers is defined as usual “recreational craft” no specific requirements apply. For water craft carrying over 12 passengers for fee, the same requirements apply as for “passenger ships” Maritime Safety Act:
Estonia – Registration
Recreational craft (watercraft with an overall length of 2.5 to 24 metres) and ships (watercraft watercraft with an overall lenght 2.5 to 12 meters used for economic activities, performing state administrative duties or vocational training) shall be registered in the traffic register or ship register. Recreational craft over 24 meters and ships over 12 meters used for economic activities etc shall be registered in the ship register.Personal watercraft shall be registered in the traffic register in order to navigate at sea and on inland waters.
Estonia – Product Liability
Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority