ICOMIA Marinas Group Welcomes New Member


Marina Developments Limited (MDL Marinas) has joined the ICOMIA Marinas Group. Established in the 1970s, MDL is now Europe`s largest marina group.

ICOMIA’s Marinas Group (IMG) is widening its membership base to include not only its traditional marinas association members, but also multiple marina operating companies; marina and shore side builders, developers, designers and individual marinas where there is no national marina association.

IMG’s mission is to be recognised globally as the peak Marina Industry body with respect to planning, development and best practice management for marinas, boat harbours, boat storage and service facilities, waterways access and associated infrastructure for recreational boating throughout the world. The group recently held the ICOMIA World Marinas Conference in Singapore.

“I am very pleased to welcome into the ICOMIA Marinas Group Marina Developments Limited (MDL Marinas), a company of international repute and with a global presence in the marina industry,” said Tony Rice, ICOMIA’s Secretary General.