ICOMIA Asia Project

Identifying obstacles to market growth + how to overcome them

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The ICOMIA Asia Project is an initiative to identify and understand obstacles to growth in South East Asia (such as restriction on the permits and approvals for building marinas, duties and taxes and cross border immigration issues) by working with national and local industry and authorities in order to create recommendations on how to develop a friendly recreational boating environment in the region. Spearheaded by the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA), Phase one of the Project has begun and subject to creation of an efficient funding mechanism, will focus on the South East Asian countries that already have a marine leisure infrastructure that can be readily tapped into for information: 1. Brunei 2. Hong Kong 3. India 4. Indonesia 5. Macau 6. Malaysia (Peninsular and East) 7. Singapore 8. Sri Lanka 9. Thailand ICOMIA is seeking Founding Sponsors for the Project. Founding Sponsors not only receive this invaluable research for free, but will have the opportunity to comment in advance on deliverables in order to obtain added value for their market sector. Research can be tailored to benefit a Founding Sponsor’s current and future business activities; and will provide insights and recommendations – not just statistics. For more information contact Laurent Subra, Sales & Sponsorship – ICOMIA Asia Project, on +33 602059870 or +44 7904244222 laurent@pyreneesmedia.com

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