The German Blue Star Marina Certification was awarded ICOMIA’s Clean Marinas Programme membership at the ICOMIA World Marinas Conference in Singapore last week.
“I congratulate Blue Star Marina Certification Programme on meeting the criteria of this international programme and welcome them as members of the ICOMIA’s Clean Marinas Programme,” said Tony Rice, ICOMIA Secretary General.
German Marine Federation (BVWW) supervises the criteria for the Blue Star Marina Certification Programme, which was started last year. The international marketing and inspections for the certification is carried out by International Marine Certification Institute and the domestic marketing in Germany by the German Tourist Association and BVWW.
ICOMIA’s Clean Marinas Programme was established in 2008. It is intended to encourage national and regional clean marinas programmes to meet a common set of internationally recognised criteria drawn up by experts from the ICOMIA Environmental Committee and Marinas Group. Applications are scrutinised by a dedicated panel.
Current ICOMIA’s Clean Marinas Programme members include the marina industry associations of Australia and New Zealand and British the Yacht Harbour Association’s (TYHA) Gold Anchor Scheme.