Spain – Drivers Licences


There are 4 different navigation licenses, depending on the length of the boat and the intended range of sailing offshore: Capit?n de Yate: Allows navigation with no length or distance limit; Patr?n de Yate: Maximum distance-60 miles. Length up to 20 mts. P.E.R.: Maximum distance – 12 mls, Maximum length – 12 m; Navegaci?n B?sica: Maximum distance – 5 mls.; Maximum length (sail) – 8 m; Maximum length (motor) – 7.5 m; No driver licences required under 5 mts. Length (sail) or 4 mts. and 11,03 KW (motor). Delimited distances by the local authority and only with sun light. From March 2002 the PWC need any of the licences described or a special brand-new one. Foreigners sailing with Spanish flag, can do so with equivalent license in their country.