Canada – Environment


Environmental regulations passed in April 2011 and will take effect January 1, 2012 aligning with U.S. Environmental Protection Act regulations with respect to marine spark engine emissions. Optional emissions averaging program and system of credits similar to the U.S. Performance based standards provide manufacturers the flexibility of design and innovation. Products eligible for sale in the U.S. are generally eligible for sale in Canada (accept U.S. EPA emission certification as evidence of conformity with regulations) Duty to report total numbers brought into Canada through importation declaration form (responsibility of the Canadian importer – usually the dealers) New legislation to deal with derelict/abandoned boats “Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Ac”” introduced Make it illegal to abandon boats while also allowing the government to go after owners of derelict boats that have already been abandoned. It proposes that individuals who abandon a boat can face fines up to $300,000 and a six month jail term while corporations can be fined as much as $6 million. The legislation focuses on both commercial and recreational vessels. It must be noted that while the bill gives the government power to try and force owners of existing derelict boats to remove them safely, there will be no fines or penalties imposed on those who have already abandoned their vessels. The ownership of some of these boats cannot be determined which is why the Canadian government is also working with provinces and territories to establish improved rules for identifying boats


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