ICOMIA Approves New Leadership!


ICOMIA announces that Udo Kleinitz has been elected as the new ICOMIA Secretary General at the recent AGM of the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA), held during the Annual Congress in Gdansk, Poland on 12 June 2015. This follows the retirement of Tony Rice who led ICOMIA for 13 years as Secretary General.
In addition, the recent AGM also appointed a new ICOMIA President. Thom Dammrich, President of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) succeeds Peter Methven, OBE, of BMF, after 3 years as President. Thom Dammrich joined the NMMA in 1999 and has been a member of the ICOMIA Executive Committee since 2003. This included a previous 2-year term as President from 2008-2010.
An avid sailor, Mr Kleinitz is no stranger to ICOMIA, having previously worked as ICOMIA Technical Manager for 5 years. Udo Kleinitz started his boatbuilding career in 1994. After obtaining the German Master Craftsman degree in boatbuilding he moved to the UK to work for ICOMIA in 2008. He then worked for 2 years as Head of Technical Services at the British Marine Foundation.
ICOMIA is confident that Udo’s extensive industry knowledge and expertise will stand the organization in good stead and enable it to continue to grow in international standing as it did under the dedicated and diplomatic leadership of Tony Rice.