Skibs- og Bådebyggeriernes Arbejdsgiverforening – Shipbuilding employers` association

Full Member

Frank Bill

H. C. Andersens Boulevard 18



The Ship and Boat Builders’ Association (Ship & Boat) was founded on 29 December 1916.

The original idea was to bring the maritime business together in an employers’ association. The main purpose was to negotiate collective agreements.

Nowadays, Ship & Boat is a member association within the framework of the Confederation of Danish Industry. The purpose of Ship & Boat changed radically when the Confederation of Danish Industry was formed in 1992.

Today, the association has 86 members.

Ship & Boat comprises a great variety of members, and include the pleasure boat business and the maritime trade for industrial purposes in Denmark. The members build pleasure boats, fishing boats, and industrial boats in general. The association also includes the sailmakers, repair yachts, building berths, boat sellers, boating equipment, wholesale and service enterprises specialized within industrial vessels and the offshore industry.

The members are all highly skilled artisans and salespersons with different mind-sets. They have all managed to keep up with developments and to be adequately innovative and meet changing requirements and standards. This is true for shapes, choice of materials, fittings and the use of the most recent technology. Adaptability to change and an innovative approach are necessary mind-sets for the enterprises.

The association observes the development of the maritime Denmark closely, and is represented in a number of committees and other associations, which are closely related to the activities of Ship & Boat.